Aachen Cathedral (A UNESCO World-Heritage Monument)
Stained glass backed altar of the Dom
A short trip from Koeln took us to another city, Aachen, on Saturday morning. A small city lying close to the border of Germany and France, it is renowned for its technical university and Cathedral. After visiting a quite a number of cities, Aachen seemed not different from the others. The usual sites include the Rathaus (government building), the Altstadt (the old-city), the local Braeuhaus (local brewery) and the Dom (Cathedral) which you can find in almost every German city. It was fun being with a whole bunch of Singaporeans but we all couldn't wait to get back to Koeln for more partying!
Quintessentially European...
The typical Bahnhof picture with Yucheng
The bunch of us in Aachen. It was good to meet Raj again, after meeting him for the first time in London 2 years back. Small world!

All the chocolates in the world could not excite Siwei in Aachen. If you notice the clowns on display, this is a typical Karneval decoration. The clowns were believed to be the evil influence of the people during Karneval. They responsible for the vices, drinking and over-eating during this festive season. That is why they hung especially on the bars and pubs around Koeln and the neighbouring cities. These clowns will be burn on Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday; the start of lent) to signify getting rid of the bad influence and cleansing the people of their sins.
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