Saturday, 30 June 2007

exams.. yikes

The dreadful time has come again and despite being on exchange, I am actually feeling the stress. It's only 3 papers though but its hell of a lot of work when you got study in front of an online dictionary, translating words, understanding the sentence and then grasping the concept. It is draining! To say I've got 3 papers is not entirely correct; I have 3 oral exams. The reason: All the written exams are way past the 10th of Aug (home-coming) and after spending almost a month negotiating with the Profs and waiting for their secretaries to reply, I have finally confirmed my exam appointments. And its all freaking soon!!!

13th July: Werkstoffkunde und Pruefungen (Materials Engineering) - With Prof Christina Berger who happens to be the head of the whole Materials dept. Sometimes I regret not doing this module back at NUS last sem under Prof Christina Lim. (wats up with Christinas and material sciences??)

16th July: Volkwirtschaftslehre (Economics) under Prof. Bert Ruerup who so happens to be the Chairman of Chancellor Angela Merkel's Council of Economic Advisors. He as held the same post for the past 2 Chancellors as well. Now, I have to converse Economics (in German by the way) with him. Whenever I tell my German friends about this, its the same reaction "Oh shit! no way!"

20th July: Konstruktion im Motorenbau (Engine Construction) under Prof Lenzen. This is a masters-level module but honestly it is not that difficult except for the thousand technical terms in German which I have to memorize.

Plus I have 2 other modules which I am more or less done with. So will update you my dear readers if I have survived this ordeal on the 20th of July. Till then.. pray for me..

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