Wednesday, 21 February 2007

A truly multi-national bunch

I never thought German could sound so different when spoken with a foreign accent. Here at work, it's a cacophony of accents with this truly international bunch of co-workers. Although it is tough to comprehend, it sure is comforting to note that half of my collegues have German as their 2nd or 3rd language, just like me. As such, no big vocabulary, complicated grammar structures (Mark Twain explains this well) and horrid slangs; which is great for me. Unfortunately, all speak fluent English and so there're not many chances for me to practice German! It's great to know also that no engineering department is complete without an Indian (not including me) and a Chinese. Ha ha! Since they are all only slightly older than me, it's great fun working with them. They're far from from the stereotypical boring engineers despite holding a minimum masters!

Here's part of my team: Salome from Portugal, Simone, Vincenzo from Italy and my boss Dr. Scherf. Here's taken at Vinc's 28th birthday party a couple of weeks back. Remind me to tell ya about the deadly concoction called "U-boat", which I was introduced to by some Russian girls, the next time we drink..

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